Tanks to Tractors



The Problem

  • Australia is facing a chronic skilled farm labour shortage, following our international border closure and the nation’s hard border stance during the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. 
  • Our Grains sector is at risk of reputational harm and market failure especially from a lack of skilled heavy farm machinery operators as well as truck and other farm workers, who are central to the proper functioning of the entire grains supply chain. Potential losses on some farms could be many $millions, with $billions at risk on a national level. 
  • Australia is at or close to the technical threshold of "full employment", putting the grains industry in the difficult situation of competing for workers in a very tight labour market, particularly with a booming mining economy that also requires workers with the same or similar skill sets. 
  • The industry, initially in WA and Queensland, requires access to a suitable workforce by early-mid September 2021 in preparation for the upcoming harvest season. The situation in most other States is similar, if slightly delayed as the grains in WA are the first due for harvesting. Please note the short lead time.


ANZAC Portal

Sharing Australia's military and service history through the experiences of our veterans

Look through the Anzac Portal to uncover the experiences of the men and women who have served Australia in wars, conflicts and peace. The hardship of overseas service extends to the family and friends they leave behind. We commemorate their service and sacrifice.

Albany Key to the City
Albany Key to the City

17 Construction Squadron Workshop Vietnam Association Presented the Key to the City of Albany

Albany, Western Australia, 16th October 2019. 17 Construction Squadron Workshop Vietnam Association is granted the unique privilege and honor of the “Key to the City”. This was an auspicious and historic occasion as it was the very first time in the history of the City of Albany that this honor had been bestowed upon any person or organization.

The Duke of Edinburgh's 75th Anniversary Message

Attached is a message of congratulation to the Corps from our Colonel in Chief, HRH, The Duke of Edinburgh.  Click HERE to view his message.

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