Committee Structure


4. To achieve the outcomes of this Strategic Plan, the Committee of The RAEME National Association (RNA) relies heavily on the Regional RAEME Associations to further the national goals and objectives. It is not intended to have a dedicated, or additional committee, but rather draw on the current regional committee members to form the RNA Committee and perform the agreed role required for the RAEME National Association – effectively double-hatting the incumbents as is the case for the RAEME Association National Representative (RANR) and President). In the main these roles will be one of coordination, communication, distribution and planning and are described in further detail below:  

  1. The Patron will be the Honourary Representative Colonel Commandant RAEME or another suitable person selected by the RAEME National Committee.

  2. The RNA President will be selected and appointed as the RAEME Association National Representative (RANR) on the Corps Committee on an agreed selection process through the RAEME Regional Associations, Chapters or Sub Branches. The RANR is a funded, full voting member of the Corps Committee.

  3. The RNA Vice President will be the RAEME Association National Representative (RANR) elect to the Corps Committee and RNA President elect. The Secretary and a Treasurer will be the Secretary and Treasurer from the RAEME Regional Association in which the President resides wherever this is possible, to achieve optimum co- ordination across the executive positions.  

  4. Representatives from each RAEME Regional State/Territory Association, Chapters, Sub Branches and Head of Corps will be appointed on an as required basis. (Note: Numbers of Representatives will be governed by the agreed goal and tasks to be performed as agreed and delegated by RNA President. Members filling the equivalent position currently undertaken within the RAEME Regional Association will generally fill these positions in the main. It is intended that all affiliated Regional Associations be represented equitably.

  5. Webmasters as determined by the RAEME National Committee.

  6. A representative from HOC cell as detailed by HOC.
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