Key Tasks


7. In summary, the following tasks are envisaged for the RAEME National Association:

  1. Assist, Facilitate and encourage the celebration of Corps Birthday in units and regions when requested.

  2. Assist when requested with the organization of serving and ex serving RAEME members who may wish to march under the National or Regional RAEME/AEME Banner in ANZAC Day marches.

  3. Provide a single point of contact for the coordination and promulgation of all major RAEME activities and events nationally.

  4. Assist the Representative COL COMDT, COL COMDTs and Regional RAEME Reps, when requested, in the selection of Corps members for the Craftsman of the Year Awards. Also make recommendations for these and other awards as appropriate.

  5. Ensure the ‘Craftsman’ is distributed appropriately.

  6. Encourage the writing of articles for the ‘Craftsman’, Regional Newsletters and national or military media.

  7. Maintain and develop the Corps’ National and Regional membership databases and web sites.

  8. Facilitate the gathering of Corps memorabilia, property and documentation and participate in the development of the Army Logistic Museum – Bandiana.

  9. Undertake lecturing tasks at various venues as required.

  10. Care for such Corps property, financial and other accounts, Corps funds, Corps records and conference minutes as may exist.

  11. Maintain an up-to-date set of RAEME Corps Instructions.

  12. Maintain a close liaison with affiliated RAEME Regional Associations, other unit and RAEME groups.

  13. Annually review the membership of Associations, its committees, incumbents and related material to ensure that RNA documentation and website are current.

  14. Identify and maintain national, regional and unit representatives.

  15. Identify and support all  RAEME Regional Associations.

  16. Seek permission to and inform association members of details of members in need of assistance or who have deceased.

  17. Foster relationships between Head of Corps RAEME. RAEME Corps Committee, RAEME Serving Members and all RAEME Affiliated Associations and  RAEME Groups.

  18. Encourage all RAEME Associations and  RAEME Groups to join the RAEME Electronic Network.

  19. Undertake tasks that are mutually agreed by the majority of members that will assist and support all RAEME Corps members past and present.
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