Ladies and Gents,
We are proud to announce the impending release of RAEME's new humour book, Straight from the Horse's Mouth.
This book is a compilation of 101 funny stories from around our Corps. Some of these stories go back to the late 1940s, being when our Corps was in its infancy.
Names have been changed to protect the innocent (and the not-so-innocent) but we are sure those who were there at the time will remember exactly what happened.
To order your soft-cover copy today, visit:
If you choose to order a copy, please ensure you hit 'submit' on the order form after you have paid. You will receive an email confirmation of your order. Without this, we can't track your order.
The RRP for the book is $20 plus postage but thanks to some very generous sponsorship, we have got this down to $15 per copy with free postage within Australia ($16 if you opt in to PayPal "Buyer Protection")
Re delivery, the official release will be Corps Birthday but we are at the mercy of the publisher and postal service.
Please place your orders as soon as possible so we can get them out quickly.
Arte et Marte
Ian Cook and Pete Shefford